Home page Blog GNU Linux jottings & cheatsheets (WIP) ELT (English Language Training) Film production PTEC - Presentation techniques under the eye of the camera Genesis & genealogy of French Lindy Hop (DVD documentary project) NLE (Non Linear Editing) Videos Pojedynek - The Duel (52min documentary film)


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PTEC - product description
language flag PTEC - Techniques de présentation sous l'oeil de la caméra
language flag PTEC - exemples de modules additionnels
language flag PTEC taster 9hrs (2x4.5)
language flag PTEC course 14hrs (2x7)
language flag PTEC - Opis Sztuk Wystąpień Publicznych pod Okiem Kamery

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Presentation Techniques under the Eye of the Camera

Product description
o Information package for HR officers

lecture at a seminar
business briefing
press conference
interview for Tv
institutional film
company brochure
HR profiling
multimedia presentation
DTP release...
(post-script, html, ppt)
Presentation modules tailored to your needs
Presentation Techniques under the Eye of the Camera - 14hr course
Stimulating Conversation Books
support material
Conversations Tailored to your Needs - method


Candidates' profile & needs


PTEC formulas


Addressed skills


Use of a database




Training to presentation techniques


Rooting skills learnt during the training


Prerequisites to a training session


Time schedule


Terms of exclusivity for VET centres


