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Bottoms up – English business course description
language flag Bottoms up – пособие по деловой Английски
language flag CTN method
language flag SCB offer (Stimulating Conversation Books)
language flag SCB PL topics
language flag Be my guest (EU Leonardo project)

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English Language Training

    language flag Bottoms up – English business course description
    Would you be able to argue the pros & cons of sanctions against the Russian Federation in your line of business over dinner? Bottoms up (Пей до дна / на здоровье) is meant to be an amusing reference to the way they would supposedly strike a deal and raise a toast to future partnership. Today's Russia, however, is quite different and many entrepreneurs as well as government officials would rather conclude a negotiation without the prejudices which may accompany their country's history.

    language flag Bottoms up – пособие по деловой Английски
    Разработка курса делового английского, ориентированного на потребности российских предпринимателей. Смогли бы вы за обедом обсуждать плюсы и минусы антироссийских санкций для вашего бизнеса? После этого курса у вас получится.

    language flag CTN method
    Conversation Tailored to your Needs - CTN - is a method based on Maieutics to learn & practise a language. It is complimentary to more traditional ones and needs extra grammar support materials. CTN is relevant when needing to tailor a course and topics to a specific learner as it consists in gathering & reformatting data from the student's work environment to better satisfy his/her company needs.

    language flag SCB offer (Stimulating Conversation Books)
    The SCB offer (Stimulating Conversation Books) consists of modules which can be put together to satisfy the needs of company-oriented courses or adapted and re-written to fit specific work environments. There is not one book but as many books as learners.

    language flag SCB PL topics
    Opis tematyki dostępnej dla ucznia polskiego potrzebującego wyrażać się po angielsku nie tylko o Beatlesach (jak zbyt często bywa) ale również o specyfiki swojego otoczenia zawodowego. Cel jest traktować ucznia nie jak anonymowego człowieka z jakiegoś kraju Unii Europejskiej.

    language flag Be my guest (EU Leonardo project)
    This project was submitted to the Leonardo fund of the European Union for undertaking a European-scale training adressing the needs of guest house owners needing to cater for the growing number of tourists. It suggests practical implementations of both CTN & SCB solutions in a timely manner.