Home page Blog GNU Linux jottings & cheatsheets (WIP) ELT (English Language Training) Film production PTEC - Presentation techniques under the eye of the camera Genesis & genealogy of French Lindy Hop (DVD documentary project) NLE (Non Linear Editing) Videos Pojedynek - The Duel (52min documentary film)


language flag
Compressing to mpeg2 under Cinelerra (DVD release)
language flag Compressing to webm & mp4 (internet release)
language flag Compressing to divx5 - deprecated (internet release)
language flag Backing up film assets (incl. sparse files)
language flag Ripping DVDs for further editing

language flag language flag language flag language flag
Ripping DVDs for editing under Cinelerra
last update 20051102



Copying the dvd onto the hard drive


Playing the dvd image [iso] from the hard drive


Mounting image of copied dvd & selecting/copying contents


Encoding [compressing] video files [.vob] to mpeg4


Editing video files [.vob] under Cinelerra
