Course contents based on authored materials & the following publishers:

(depending on book purchased by students, training centre licence...)

Market Leader 3rd edition

Pearson & Longman, Financial Times

by Iwonna Dubicka & Margaret O'Keeffe

BEC Higher (Business English Certificate)

Pearson & Longman

The Business 


by John Allison, Rachel Appelby & Edward de Chazal

Intelligent Business 2nd edition

Pearson & Longman, The Economist

by Tonya Trappe & Graham Tullis

Professional English in Use - Law

Cambridge University Press

by Gillian D. Brown, Sally Rice authored contents in xml format for the SBook series featuring grammar, lexical material & case studies tailored to individual needs:

General English: B2+

exam prep: IELTS

Business English: B2 - C1

ESP: XCC (cross-cultural communication), MGT (management skills), HR (human resources skills), JH (job hunting), REL (relocating)